William (Wm.) R. Robertson
American, born 1956-
1956-1962 Akron, OH
1962- 1988 Washington, DC. Area
1988-present Kansas City, MO.
Wheaton High School, graduated 1974
Montgomery Jr. College - 1 semester
Early Work experience
Aspen Hill Hardware, 1972 to 1974. Small non-chain store specializing in customer service.
Watkins-Johnson, 1974 to 1974. Electro-Mechanical assembler, This company built some of the bugging equipment used in the Watergate affair.
Giant Auto, 1974 to 1975. Auto Parts clerk.
Bowles Fluidics Co., 1975 to 1976, Production Forman. Managed 20-45 workers and increased production by 10 times.
ATI Racing, 1976 to 1976. Systems Engineer building Race Car parts.
Started full time in the miniature field in June of 1977.
A note about this CV; this is as complete as my records show or anyone would want to read. There were dozens of newspaper articles similar to the ones listed not included and TV News interviews that were left out.
2019 Making Furniture Microscopic, Newport Restoration, Doris Duke Foundation, Rough
Point, Newport, RI. June 18, 2019.
2018 William Robertson - Maximum Miniatures, Ideacity, Moses Znaimer's Conference,
Toronto, Canada, June 24, 2018.
2018 Stephen Richter's 1890's Firehouse Engine Room, The National Museum of Toys and
Miniatures, Kansas City, MO., Aug. 25, 2018.
2017 Details Matter: A Micro Mechanician in the Modern World. TEDx KC, Kauffman Center,
Kansas City, MO., Aug. 18, 2017.
2016 Bill Robertson, Tool Collector & Model Maker, EG 11 Conference, Carmel, CA., April 13-15,
2014 Dueling Dovetails, In the round with Calvin Hobbs, Nelson-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, MO., Aug. 23, 2014.
2010 Boston Beacon Hill House, Toy and Miniature Museum Kansas City, MO., May 11, 2010.
2009 Laborer, Craftsman, Artist: 300 years of fine tools, Toy and Miniature Museum, Kansas
City, MO., May 19, 2009.
2008 The Turning Room in Bonnier de la Mosson's Cabinet of Curiosities, Linda Hall Library,
Kansas City, MO.
2007 Miniatures by Wm. R. Robertson: A 30 Year Retrospective, Toy and Miniature Museum,
Kansas City, MO., March 24, 2007.
2005 Are Miniatures Art?, Gilcrease Museum Tulsa, OK.
2005 The Miniatures of Wm. R. Robertson, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Schloss Pilnitz, Dresden,
Germany, July 10, 2005. *Only speaker at opening, translated into German.
2003 Wm. R. Robertson: 25 years of Selected Miniature Works, The Nantucket Island School of
Design & The Arts, Nantucket, MA., Sept. 19, 2003.
2001 Making a Miniature 18th c. French Spinning Wheel, Decorative & Fine Art Miniature Art, New York City, August 31, 2001.
2000 Ornamental Turning, Midwest Junto for the History of Science. Kansas City, MO.
1990 Minicruise, sponsored by Nutshell News, Mar. 4-12, 1990.
1987 Small Wonders: The Delightful World of Miniatures, National Geographic Society,
Grosvenor Auditorium, Washington, DC. October 19, 1987.
*Leonard Grant (VP) told WRR he was the first speaker to sell out the since auditorium Richard Leakey spoke there.
1981 Making a Rhode Island Card Table, Resident Associate Program Smithsonian Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, DC., Nov. 24, 1981.
Museum Permanent Collections
The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures, Kansas City, MO.
*Formerly The Toy and Miniature Museum.
KSB Collection, Kentucky Gateway Museum Center, Maysville, KY.
Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures, Tucson, AZ.
Chicago Art Institute, Thorne Rooms, Holiday Exhibit, Chicago, IL.
Special Exhibitions
2015 The Miniature, Grunwald Gallery of Art, IU, Bloomington, IN. Aug. 28 to Oct. 3, 2015.
2014 Highlights from the Collection of The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures, Nelson- Atkins Museum of Art, KCMO. July 2, 2014 to Feb. 22, 2015.
2007 Miniatures by Wm. R. Robertson: A 30 Year Retrospective, Toy and Miniature Museum, KCMO. Mar. 2007 to Mar. 2008.
2005 Miniatturen Die Welt 1:12, Kunstgewerbemuseum, Schloss Pilnitz, Dresden, Germany, Jul. 10 to Nov. 1, 2005.
2001 Masters in Miniature, The Pistner Collection, Naples Museum of Art, Naples, FL., Nov. 2000 to June 2007.
1997 Zoom Sur La Miniatures, Musee De La Civilisation, Quebec, Canada, April 1997 to April 1998.
1995 Gallery of Distinguished Woodworkers, Northeastern Wood-workers Association, Saratoga Springs, NY., Mar., 25-26, 1995
1987 Small Wonders: The Delightful World of Miniatures, National Geographic Society, Explorers Hall, Washington, D.C., Oct. 21, 1987 to Jan. 1, 1988.
1986 Small Fantasies: Miniature Houses and Rooms, Portsmouth Museums, Portsmouth, VA., Dec. 6, 1986 to Jan. 18, 1987, *WRR’s Twin Manors dining room was the poster photo.
1985 National Trust for Historic Preservation, Decatur House, Washington, D.C., Oct. 18 to 20, 1985.
1984 The Enchanting World of Dollhouses & Miniatures, National Geographic Society, Explorers Hall, Washington, DC., Dec. 14, 1984 to Feb. 17 1985.
* Chief Justice Warren Berger and Mrs. George Bush both attended.
1982 The Philadelphia Miniature Show, Academy Hall, Philadelphia, PA, Feb. 5-7 1982.
*This was an exhibit to benefit Planned Parenthood.
1982 Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore, MD. Dec. 11, 1982.
1981 The Philadelphia Miniature Show, Academy Hall, Philadelphia, PA, Feb 6-7 1981.
*This was an exhibit to benefit Planned Parenthood.
1981 Resident Associate Program, Smithsonian Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, D.C., Aug. 12, 1980.
1981 Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA., Nov. 21 1981 to Jan. 10 1982. *WRR’s clock was on cover of brochure.
1981 Montgomery County Historical Society, Rockville Civic Center Mansion, Rockville, MD., Nov. 21-22, 1981.
1980 Holiday Celebration, Smithsonian Museum of American History, Washington, DC., Dec. 26-31, 1980.
2015 Joe Martin Foundation Metalworking Craftsman of the Year, Carlsbad, CA.
2011 Don Buttfield Award, IGMA Guild School, Castine, ME
2008 Naming of “Wm. R. Robertson Fine Arts Rotunda," KSB Collection, Maysville, KY.
TV and Film
2019 The Miniature, Tiny Goat Productions, Toronto, Canada
2010 Today Show, NBC, Dec. 25, 2010
2005 History Detectives, Public Broadcasting System (PBS), season 3, episode 301, June 27, 2005.
1991 Americana Series "A Small Job”, Armed Forces Radio and Television Service, Oct. 17, 1991 for many years.
1987 "3,2,1 Contact”, Children's Television Workshop, Fall 1987.
2017 Miniature Masterworks Co-Chairman, IGMA and NMTM, Sept. 15 – 17, 2017.
2016 IGMA brochure cover photo.
1997 Miniature Tour of London and France, Guide.
1991 Twin Manors featured on the National Geographic, Christmas Card.
Museum Exhibit Work
2019 Design/Build, The Huge World of Miniatures, KSB Collection, Maysville, KY. *New entrance exhibit.
2018 Design/Build, Scaled to Perfection, KSB Collection, Maysville, KY. Oct. 12, 2018 to May 31, 2019. *Temporary exhibit to be reinstalled in the future.
2009 Design, Singular Beauty, Simple Microscopes from the Giordano Collection, Linda Hall Library, KCMO, April 30 Sept. 12, 2009.
2009 Design/Curate/Build, Laborer, Craftsman, Artist: 300 years of Fine Tools, Toy and Miniature Museum. KCMO, May 20 - Aug. 31, 2009.
2008 Design/Curate/Build, KSB Collection, Kentucky Gateway Museum Center, Maysville, KY. *Permanent main KSB Gallery.
2005 Restoration Consultant/Build, Wright Brothers Bicycle Shop at 22 S Williams St. National Park Service, Dayton, OH. *In addition to acquiring tools WRR built a reproduction drill press patterned after the one the Wright’s built. It is the largest object WRR has built at 800 pounds.
2004 Design/Curate/Build, Toy and Miniature Museum, KCMO, Permanent Miniature galleries. *Note: These were reworked with some changes in 2015 but largely remained the same.
2003 Design, The Grand Tour in Miniature, Naples Museum of Art, Philharmonic Center for the Arts, Naples, Fl., Oct. 2003 to 2006 (first floor), 2012 (second floor). *The Grand Tour had two seasons, Italy/Egypt & England
2001 Design/Curate/Build, Big and Little: Artistry in Miniature, Toy and Miniature Museum, Kansas City, MO. Jan. 12 to May 12 2001
2000 Design, Masters of Miniatures: Stephen and Patricia Pistner Gallery, Naples Museum of Art, Naples, Fl. Nov. 2000 to June 2007. *The Pistner House stayed while other exhibits changed.
2000 Restoration Consultant, Wright Cycle Co., Carillon Historical Park, project done by the National Park Service, Dayton, OH. *Consultant for restoration of the Wright Bros. 3rd Street shop replica, WRR made copies of the wind tunnel models.
1999 Design, The American Museum of the Miniatures Arts (closed), Dallas, TX. *Designed two floors of exhibit space, over 15,000 sf. 2nd floor was never finished due to lack of funding.
1998 Restoration Consultant, Thomas Edison's Lab, pattern-shop, National Park Service, West Orange, NJ. 1997 - 1998. *Acquired and set up all small tools and benches
1996 Design, The American Museum of the Miniatures Arts, Sharp Gallery, Hall of State, Fair Park, Dallas, TX. 1996-1998? *Temporary exhibit to show collection during construction of the new space
1996 Restoration Consultant, Thomas Edison's Lab machine shop for National Park Service, West Orange, NJ.* Acquired and set up all small tools and benches.
1989 Design/Curate/Build, Toy and Miniature Museum, KCMO. Permanent Miniature galleries. *Note: These were expanded in 2004; the maze was torn down and rebuilt larger.
1987 Curate, Small Wonders: The Delightful World of Miniatures, National Geographic Society, Explorers Hall, Washington, D.C., Oct. 21, 1987 to Jan. 1, 1988. *WRR’s Twin Manors premier.
1984 Curate, The Enchanting World of Dollhouses & Miniatures, National Geographic Society, Explorers Hall, Washington, D.C., Dec. 12, 1984 to Feb. 17 1985. *64,000 in attendance. WRR 1st time as a Guest Curator.
Description of work:
Design; WRR created the layout, placement of objects and often designed cases and mounts for objects.
Curate; WRR chose the objects and the order of display.
Build; WRR physically constructed casework and mounts for exhibits often with contractors.
Restoration Consultant; WRR helped curatorial staff to select and place objects adhering to period shop practice. He also acquired thousands of antique tools.
2019 The Book of Mini, Kate Esme Unver, p 117, 118, 120
2019 Collectively Speaking: My Passionate Pursuit of Miniatures. Volume 2, Kaye Savage Browning, p 13, 33, 63
2017 Miniature Masterworks, NMTM staff, p 16, 20, 27, 43, 44
2017 Collectively Speaking: My Passionate Pursuit of Miniatures. Volume 1, Kaye Savage Browning, p 20, 21
2015 The Miniature World (Japan), Kazuko Nakamura, pp 23 - 27, 100, 102
2015 Highlights from the Collection of The National Museum of Toys and Miniatures, NMTM staff, pp 27-33
2015 The Miniature, Grunwald Gallery Staff, p 21, 31, 35
2013 The Adell Venus Collection of Miniatures, Leslie Hindman Auctioneers, p 8, 11, 36, 56, 61, 62, 73
2007 The Miniatures (Japan), Kazuko Nakamura, p 19, 21, 70, 78-80, 82, 84-87
2003 Traditional Needlework in Miniature, Annelle Ferguson, p 35, 38, 46-49, 184
2001 The Pistner House: A Master in Miniature, Patricia Pistner, pp 46 - 47
1997 Zoom Sur La Miniatures, Musee De La Civilasation, inside front cover, p 54
1996 Reference guide to Miniature makers marks, Alice & Lee Frank, pp 369-370
1992 Toy & Miniature Museum of Kansas City, Ann Vernon, p 64,71,88-89
1988 Dolls' House & Miniature, (Japan), p 20, 28
1984 American Period Interiors in Miniature, Kate Doordan Klavan, p 114, 130
1984 Through the Looking Glass, Ann Ruble, p 84, 140
1981 How Things Are Made; National Geographic Society, pp 75-77. *202,000 printed as of Apr. 1982
1981 Reproducing Period Furniture and Accessories in Miniature, Virginia Merrill and Susan Richardson, p 68
2015 The Ledger Independent, Maysville, KY, Lifestyle Section, Robertson Selected Craftsman of the Year, January 31, 2015, Front Page
2015 The Home Shop Machinist, William R. Robertson 2015 Metal-working Craftsman of the Year, May/June 2015 , pp 33 - 35
2014 Miniaturas (Spain), Piezas de Museo William R. Robertson. June 2014. pp 18 - 21, cover
2010 Chicago Sun-Times, Sunday Section, Merry Little Christmas, Kara Spak, October 31, 2010, Front Page.
2008 American Miniaturist, Gateway to a grand collection, Lou Browning, March, 2008, pp 8 - 13, *Opening of KSB Gallery.
2007 The Sun (Kansas City, MO), Toy and Miniature Museum's program features local miniature artist, Kellie Houx, March 21, 2007, Front Page.
2004 Kansas City Star, Showtime Section, Welcome to the Big toy house, John Mark Eberhart, March 31, 2004, Front Page.
2004 Dollhouse Miniatures, Twin Manors: William Robertson’s Colonial Miniature Museums, Marianne Clay, Nov. 2004, pp 18 - 21, cover.
2003 Miniaturas (Spain), Piezas de Coleccion Aula de Arquitectura, Feb. 2003, pp 54 - 56
2002 Miniature Collector, Decorative & Fine Miniature Art Show. Jan. 2002, p 33
2001 Dollhouse Miniatures, Show Me The Minis, Candice St. Jacques. April 2001. pp 59 – 63
2000 Dayton Daily News, Local Section, Experts refurbish Wrights' bike shop, Benjamin Kline, September 8, 2000 Front Page.
2000 Maison de Poupee (French), La chambre de style Tudor de Thomas Warner, Jane Bishop, Winter 1995/1996, p 15
1999 Miniaturas (Spain), Internacional: Bill Robertson Una caja de Herramientas, April 1999, p 47
1998 Piecework, Tiny Treats of Twin Manors, Jan Marsh, May/June, 1998, pp 40 - 44
1998 Miniature Collector, Tooling with Bill Robertson, Mary Kaliski, July/Aug, 1998, pp 30 - 35
1997 Star Magazine, Kansas City Star, Little Known Facsimiles, Stacy Downs, July 13, 1997 pp 10-16
1996 Ingram’s, William Robertson Free-Lance Miniaturist April 1996, p 27
1996 Nutshell News, Bill Robertson's Architect's Classroom, Jeanne Delgado, Feb. 1996,
pp 28-31, cover
1995 Star Magazine, Kansas City Star, Massive and miniature, Edward M Eveld, March 5, 1995, pp 6-8
1995 Maison de Poupée (French), Stage de Bill Robertson, Joëlle Daviet, Fall 1995, pp 17-18
1994 Fine Woodworking, To every little detail, Alec Waters, Dec. 1994, No. 109, p 134
1993 Maison de Poupée (French), Salle de classe pour architectes vers 1900, Ingeborg Riesser, Winter 1993/94 pp 23 - 25
1993 Maison de Poupée (French), Bill Robertson et la perfection du detail, Dan Weeks, Fall 1993, pp 21 - 23, cover
1991 Traditional Home, Less than meets the eye, Dan Weeks, December 1991, pp 92 - 99
1990 Workbench, Home & Shop: Small Business, Lawrence F. Okrend, April 1990, p 8
1989 Nutshell News, A is for Accuracy, Kim Remesch, May, 1989, pp 38 - 42, cover
1989 Miniatures Calendar, Kalmbach, cover, April, Oct.
1988 Nutshell News, The Wonder of Miniatures, Sybil Harp January 1988, pp 46 - 49
1987 Miniatures Showcase, Collections, Madilee C. Wnek, Vol 2, pp 54-55
1987 The Montgomery Journal, Giant in Miniature, Gidget Fuentes, March 13, 1987, Front Page
1987 Washington Post, Home section, Exploring Small-Minded Crafts, Cristina Del Sesto, October 22, 1987, p 30
1987 Washington Post, Style section, Miraculous Miniatures, Sarah Booth Conroy, November, 2, 1987, p C1
1987 Washington Post ,Weekend Section, The [National] Geographic's Small World, Hank Burchard, November 23, 1987, p 49.
“If you don't have all the time in the world it might be best to rush past all these wonders to the crowning exhibit, William R. Robertson's Georgian
mansion, which is the sort of dollhouse Fabergé might have built for a Tsarina”
1987 Fine Woodworking, William Robertson; Glimpses into a miniaturist's world, Jim Cummins, Sept., 1987, p 85. Threads Magazine, She Likes to Do A Little Needlework Oct/Nov 1987, Back Cover Feature
1987 Miniature Collector, Bill Robertson: The Artist as Curator, Lillian Wachtel, Winter 1987, pp 31 - 33
1986 Amtrak Express, The Small But Perfect World of Bill Robertson Beverly Breton, October/November 1985. pp 25-29
1986 The Virginian-Pilot, Small Passions: Miniatures exhibit is big on collectibles, Shirley Bolinaga, December 15, 1986 Front page.
1985 Historic Preservation, Marvels in Miniature; A Skilled Craftsman & Tireless Researcher, Jan Leslie Cook, August 1, 1985 Vol 37, #4, pp 27 – 31.* Photos by John McDonnell of the WPO, WRR’s childhood friend.
1985 Washington Post , Style Plus Section, It's a Small, Small World, Sarah Ban Breathnach, August 9, 1985, P E5.
1985 The Miniature Gazette, The Making of a Thriller, Judith G. Ohanian, Vol 15, No. 1, p 32- 33
1985 Carpenter, United brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, A Miniature Master, Beverly Breton, May 1985, pp 16-17 and back cover. *Includes photo of WRR’s Grandfather.
1984 The Washington Times Magazine, The Magical World of Miniatures, Kathryn Ward Koch, January 17, 1984, cover
1984 The Washington Post, Saturday's Child, December 28, 1984
1981 The Washington Post, Living Section, Mighty Marvels of Minute Grace, Sarah Booth Conroy, Nov. 8, 1981, cover p 1. *986024 circulation
1980 Nutshell News, The Clockmaker's Workshop, Ann Ruble March, 1980. Vol 11, No. 30, pp 38 - 43
1977 Forecast! It's a World in a Nutshell: From Carburetor to Heppelwhite, Cindy Murphy, November, 1977, p 52. *1st time WRR's work was published
These are hands-on classes where the student makes the miniature.
International Guild of Miniature Artisans, Guild School, Castine, ME
2022 Chippendale Garden Bench w/ Planters, 48 hr.
2021 European Door Hardware, 24 hr., 18th c. Bow Drill, 24 hr.
2019 Culpepper Microscope, 48 hr.
2018 Balance Scale, 24 hr., Ivory Pie Crimpers, 24 hr.
2017 10 Candlesticks, 36 hr., Ivory Pie Crimpers, 12 hr.
2016 10 Candlesticks, 24 hr., Miter Plane, 24 hr.
2015 Sewing Stand, 36 hr., Thread Holder, 12 hr.
2014 Metamorphic Bed, 48 hr.
2013 Bone & Iron Chest, 36 hr., Carved Mirror, 12 hr.
2012 Brass Bed, 48 hr.
2011 Coffee Grinder, 36 hr., Hinges, 12 hr.
2010 Childs Chest, 24 hr., Carved w/ Iron Chest, 24 hr.
2008 Gadget Canes, 48 hr.
2007 Woodworking Tools, 48 hr.
2006 Lathe, Ebony & Ivory, 36 hr., Tool Chest, 12 hr.
2005 Workbench w/ Vise, 48 hr.
2004 Brass Lantern, 24 hr., Roller Skates, 24 hr.
2003 Octant, 48 hr.
2002 Candlesticks, 24 hr., Sewing Box, 24 hr.
2001 Cabinetmakers Chest, 36 hr., Woodworking tools, 12 hr.
2000 Fishing Rod, 36 hr.
1999 Clock Jack, 36 hr., Oval Stool, 12 hr.
1998 Ink Stand, 36 hr., Lathe, Ivory, 12 hr.
1997 Wyke Clock, 36 hr., Marble Top Table, 18 hr. AA
1996 Telescope, 36 hr., Fretwork Shelf, 18 hr. AA
1995 Lathe, Candlesticks, 36 hr., Birdcage, 18 hr. AA
1994 Lathe, Candlesticks, 36 hr.
1993 Chippendale Mirror, 12 hr. x 3
International Guild of Miniature Artisans, Guild Study Program, Williamsburg, VA
2017 Spice Cabinet
2005 Surveyor’s Compass
2004 Gentleman’s Tool Chest (1 drawer)
2003 Balance Scale
2001 Miter Plane
2000 Spice Cabinet
1999 Wing Chair
1996 Gentleman’s Tool Chest (2 drawer)
International Guild of Miniature Artisans, Guild Study Program, Kansas City, MO
2004 English Clock
International Guild of Miniature Artisans, Guild Study Program, Maysville, KY
2010 Maple Chest
International Guild of Miniature Artisans, Guild Study Program, Portsmouth, NH
2014 Bellamy Eagle
Miniatures I Tune, Tune, (Copenhagen) Denmark
2019 Rococo Mirror, 5 day
2017 Spice Chest, 3 day, Iron Sign Bracket, 2 day
2016 Bone & Iron Chest, 3 day, Chippendale Garden Bench, 2 day
2015 Intarsia Chest, 3 day, Intarsia Trays, 2 day
2014 Wine Decanter, 3 day, Campaign Chairs, 2 day
2013 Tile top tea table, 3 day, Rococo carved mirror, 2 day
2012 Standing Desk, 3 day, Turned Salad Bowls, 2 day
2011 Door Hardware, 3 day, Hinges, 2 day
2010 10 Candlesticks, 3 day, Childs Chest, 2 day
2008 Carved w/ Iron Chest, 5-1/2 days, Woodworking Tools, 5-1/2 days
Private Class, Tove’s, Copenhagen, Denmark
2009 Coffee Grinder
2007 Ink Stands
Private Class, Anna Lisa’s school, Copenhagen, Denmark
2006 Plane and Candlestick
2005 Brass Lantern
Private Class, Ursula’s, Ringe, Denmark
2017 10 Candlesticks
Private Class, Rambouillet, France
2015 Bone & Iron Chest
Private Class, Ursem (Amsterdam), The Netherlands
2013 Bone & Iron Chest
Club de la Miniature Française, Paris, France
2007 Maple Chest
2001 Brass Lantern
1999 Wing Chair
1995 Bird Cage
Private Class, Lake Martin, AL.
2011 1/8th Machinist Chest
Private Class, Kazuko’s Students, Osaka and Yokohama, Japan
2008 Carved w/ Iron Chest
2005 Maple Chest
2002 English Clock
1999 Room Corner
Private Class, Nantucket, MA
2003 Telescope
Smithsonian, Resident Associate Program, Washington, D.C.
1984 Chippendale Mirror
Virginia Miniature Enthusiasts, Back To College, Ashland, VA
1982? Walnut Bookcase
1981? Workbench
1980? Chippendale Mirror
Craft, Kit and Caboodle, Craft Shop, Bethesda, MD
1984? Hanging Corner Cupboard
1982? Slipper Chair w/ERR teaching bargello
1981? Corner Cupboard
1980? Modifying an X-acto Lowboy Kit
1979 Lathe Class, 2 days. *This was WRR’s first class and included a Taig lathe w/attachments for $ 245. Class reviewed by Bill Postman in the Scale Cabinetmaker, fall 1979, 3:2
2011 Miniature I Tune, The Cube, IGMA, Nov. 2011, pp 10-11. *Comparison between the Guild School and Miniatures I Tune.
2005 The Turning Room in Bonnier de la Mosson's Cabinet of Curiosities, The Chronicle, Early American Industries Association, September 2005, pp 100 - 106
2005 The Turning Room in Bonnier de la Mosson's Cabinet of Curiosities, The Society of Ornamental Turners (UK), March, 2005, Bulletin #112, pp 63-68
2001 Handy Histories, Bi-Monthly Column, Workbench, Feb. 2002 - Feb., 2003. *Tool company histories
1996 Mantel Cabinet, Workbench, Jan. 1996, pp 30 -31
1995 La maison Mystérieuse, Maison de Poupée (French), Winter, 1995/1996, pp 4-6
1993 Miniature Masterworks; The precision of Frank Early's furniture is no small feat, Fine Woodworking, March 1993, pp 84-85
1991 Crosscuts, Bi-Monthly Column, Workbench, Nov. 1991 - Sept. 1996. *Stories about antique tools